Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Male Menopause - The True Facts

It used to be thought that only women experienced the menopause, usually around the age of forty or more when the menstrual cycle stops taking place and pregnancy is no longer possible. All manner of emotions are felt during this time as the hormone levels of the female body drop and this is often known to bring on depression, hot flashes, irritability and quite extreme mood swings.
These days, however, it would appear that men also go through a similar situation. This is referred to as the male menopause or the andropause and it happens when men reach between forty five and sixty years of age as production of testosterone, the male hormone decreases. This does not, however, prevent the male from continuing to have children.
The idea of the existence of the male menopause has exposed the myth about men being ageless as far as sexual activity is concerned. In fact, unlike women who tend to experience mid life crises during the menopause, many men seem to adapt the attitude that life is just beginning. This is the reason that the male menopause has raised so many controversial issues both socially and within the medical field too.
So what are the true facts of the male menopause? Is the male menopause real or simply a way of getting even? What symptoms are likely to be experienced if the condition is genuine and which outside elements contribute to the condition? Most importantly, can it be treated? The answers to the above-mentioned questions along with clarifications of some of the controversial issues connected to this phenomenon can be found by reading on through this article.
The Male Menopause - Reality or Fairy Tale?
It is fair to say that the male menopause does, in fact, exist. Nonetheless, the degree of intensity by which it affects men is not the same as women. The symptoms detailed below are experienced at varying levels from hardly noticeable to quite extreme.
Many of the physical and psychological symptoms experienced are similar to those felt by women during their menopause. Hot flushes, loss of strength and endurance, irritability, lethargy, mood swings, libido reduction and erectile dysfunction, along with insomnia and a loss of bone and body mass are just some of the issues which may arise in men between forty and sixty years of age going through the male menopause.
How to Cope with the Male Menopause
It's really no easier coping with the male menopause than it is the female menopause but finding new ways to alleviate stress, say by massage, yoga or taking up and new sport or hobby will certainly improve matters. It's also advisable to eat a balanced diet trying to reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake, take regular exercise and get plenty of quality sleep as these things will all help you to cope with the menopause a little easier.
Menopause Treatment
TRT or to give it its full name, Testosterone Replacement Therapy is often an effective method of treating symptoms such as tiredness, depression and a reduced libido. However, there are potential side effects with TRT, for example, a risk of prostate cancer so a full and thorough medical check up should take place prior to opting for this kind of treatment.
Many men have to face the reality of going through the male menopause, but remember, if you are unlucky enough to be one of those who suffer with intense symptoms, there is no need for despair as there are several things you can do to help you get through this difficult time.

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